Numbers in slang – a fun way to learn English

Por Carlos Eduardo de Lima Peres

In informal language, especially in slang, numbers are used creatively to form abbreviations, substitutions, and even playful puns. Curious to know how? Then get ready to discover some of the most common uses of numbers in informal language.

From day one – right from the start
I trusted him from day one (Confiei nele desde o início)

One-in-a-million – exceptional
His voice is truly one-in-a-million (A voz dele é realmente única)

Like two peas in a pod – identical
Their personalities are so similar, they’re like two peas in a pod. (As personalidades deles são tão parecidas, são como unha e carne)

Gimme five! – used as a greeting or a congratulatory gesture – “highfive”
Gimme five! We finally finished the project! (Toca aqui! Finalmente terminamos o projeto!)

Seventh heaven – in ecstasy
After winning the competition, she was in seventh heaven. (Depois de ganhar a competição, ela estava nas nuvens)

Cloud nine – euphoric
He felt like he was on cloud nine during their vacation. (Ele se sentiu nas nuvens durante as férias)

Top ten – the first the most popular songs
His song just made top ten (A música dele acabou de entrar no top 10)

143 – I love you. 1 letter for each word: 1 = “I” (1 letter), 4 = “love” (4 letters), 3 = “you” (3 letters)
She wrote ‘143’ on the card to show her feelings. (Ela escreveu ‘143’ no cartão para mostrar seus sentimentos)

Never in a million years – absolutely never
He would never in a million years agree to that deal. (Ele nunca, em um milhão de anos, concordaria com esse negócio)

Numbers can be more than just digits. Don’t miss out on these fascinating number-based expressions! And remember: if you want to learn more about language and culture, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for further insights and tips. See you there!

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